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Producción y comercialización de un licor a base de caña de azúcar con frutas tropicales dirigido al mercado de Guayaquil

Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem Navia Moran, Vanessa Santiana Calderon, Solange Tobalina Ditto, Constantino Francisco 2009-05-26 2009-05-26 2009-05-26
dc.description.abstract This new and innovative pro duct (sugar cune liquor with tropicalfruits) search of some form to sat isfy and to specifytheidea ofthepopularones "guarapos"thataresoldintheEcuadorianmountain,insuchawaythat all have access to this traditional drink. Thefirst step to carry out is a market study in that a detailed explanation of the product will be given which we will offer andofthemarkettothe onethat plantoenter,animperious anddetailedanalysisof theenvironment ofthis marketwillbemadetherefore,by means ofastudy oftheexistentdemandandthiswtrytobeabletodeterminethe preferences and consumer tastes and to analyze the possibility that our new product satisfies this demand; likewise wewillstudy theoffer,asourpossiblecompetitors,the prices fixedbythemarket andthe differentmeansinthose that we will make arrive "Let it be. " Another important point in our investigation is the goo d distribution of the pro duct, the readiness of the raw material and the cost that this will represent us, helshe will also take in considerationthediflerentproductiveprocessesfortheelaborationof theproduct, likewisetherequiredhuman personnel to develop it. Lastly it will be carried out afinancial study to analyze that so viable it is the project and this lI'ay to be able to determine the profitability that youlthey will be able to obtain the investors. en
dc.language.iso spa en
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject PRODUCTOS en
dc.subject RENTABILIDAD en
dc.subject MERCADO en
dc.subject BENEFICIOS en
dc.subject OFERTA en
dc.subject DEMANDA en
dc.title Producción y comercialización de un licor a base de caña de azúcar con frutas tropicales dirigido al mercado de Guayaquil en
dc.type Article en

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