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Assessment of the Performance of a Water Treatment Plant in Ecuador: Hydraulic Resizing of the Treatment Units

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dc.contributor.author Mejía Bustamante, Lisbeth
dc.contributor.author Cornejo Pozo, Karen
dc.contributor.author Cornejo Pozo, Cristian, Tutor
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-09T19:11:46Z
dc.date.available 2022-06-09T19:11:46Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Mejía, L.,Cornejo, K. (2022). Assessment of the Performance of a Water Treatment Plant in Ecuador: Hydraulic Resizing of the Treatment Units [Tesis de maestría]. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral es_EC
dc.identifier.uri http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/54244
dc.description.abstract Granting access to drinking water has been a challenge because 47% of the worldwide population is not connected to a drinking water distribution network in rural settlements. This study aimed to evaluate the contaminant removal efficiency in a conventional water treatment facility in the Austro region of Ecuador, Paute, to identify the treatment units requiring hydraulic resizing. Water samples were collected from each treatment unit to characterize the physical-chemical and microbiological parameters, and the dimensions of the treatment ponds for hydraulic evaluation purposes. Water hardness, electrical conductivity, SO42−, and Fe2+ were the main issues found in the water, which failed to comply with Ecuadorian technical guidelines. The treatment units, such as the flocculator, rapid sand filter, and storage tank, were resized to meet the demand of the future population. In addition, the residual free chlorine was measured as insufficient in the community’s tap water, showing an unprotected water distribution system to microbiological contamination. No disinfection by-products were found despite the existence of biodegradable organic matter. The findings of this research propose improvements in the deployed treatment practices to provide the community with drinking water in accordance with the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDG 3 and SDG 6). es_EC
dc.language.iso es es_EC
dc.publisher ESPOL. FICT es_EC
dc.subject Groundwater es_EC
dc.subject Conventional water treatment es_EC
dc.subject Hydraulic capacity es_EC
dc.title Assessment of the Performance of a Water Treatment Plant in Ecuador: Hydraulic Resizing of the Treatment Units es_EC
dc.type Thesis es_EC

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