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Methods for restoring productivity to gas wells in the clinton sand of ohio, a laboratory and field experiment

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dc.contributor.advisor Abad, Boris, Director Abad Guerra, Boris Patricio
dc.creator PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY 2024-02-02T14:07:42Z 2024-02-02T14:07:42Z 1976
dc.identifier.citation Abad Guerra, B. P. (1976). Methods for restoring productivity to gas wells in the clinton sand of ohio, a laboratory and field experiment. [Tesis]. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY .
dc.description Reducción en la producción de aceite y gas condensan pozos debido a la implementación de parafina siendo un serio problema que enfrentan muchos de los operadores. Muchas investigaciones se han llevado a cabo, y muchos métodos se han desarrollado para limpiar el pozo, tuberías y equipo de superficie de la deposición de parafina, pero no existen muchos estudios sobre la disolución de depósotos de parafina con el fracturas y los espacios de poros en las reservas.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 191 paginas
dc.language.iso spa
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject Completación de pozos
dc.subject Pozos de gas
dc.subject Prueba de laboratorio
dc.title Methods for restoring productivity to gas wells in the clinton sand of ohio, a laboratory and field experiment
dc.type Ingeniero en Petróleo
dc.identifier.codigoespol T-67606 Estados Unidos The Pennsylvanfa State Unlverslty
dc.identifier.codigoproyectointegrador ESC518
dc.description.abstractenglish Reducrion tn producrlviry tn o11 and gas condensate weffs Uec61q¡g\it l l\L of paraffin plugglng ls a serlous problem that Eany operatore ,""."ESpOt Many lnvestlgatlons had been conducted, and Eany nethods have been developed to cleán up the uell bore' tubfng and surface equlpment from paraffln deposltlon, but not many sEudfes exlst Ln dlssolvfng paraffln deposltlon rrlthln the propped fractures and the reaervolr Pore spaces. The Cllnton sand ls a widespread oll and gas produclng blanket sand whlch covers a good parc of 0h1o and Pennsylvania. Consolldated Gas Servlce Conpany, through thelr afflllate, East ohlo Cas Co., oPerate thousands of r.¡ells ln thls formát1on. Most wells cornpleted in the Cllnton sand, after a brief flush period of Productlon, maintaln loar producEivlty over long perlods of tlme. These wells produce soñe Penn Grade crude o11 together Lrlth the gas. IE 1s felt that one cause of the lou productlvlty ls the recipitatlon of paraffln coupounds froE the oll lnto the fractures as vell as 1n the well bore ánd well tublng. Another factor may be danage to the formation near the wells durlng drtlllng and comPletion. Thfs study lnvestfgates experlmental methods to stlDulate the 8as uells ln thls reservolr. The effect of different stlmulatlon techniques such as solvents, heat and ultrasonle energy Ltere lnvestlgáted ln Ehe Laboratory. The second part of thls lnvest!8atlon deals wlth the aPPllcatlon of the most pronlsing stiEulation technlques based on laboratory studles, to a field test, whlch conslsted of a controL well (ner.rly dr1lled for chis purpose) and several offset cest rrells located close tó the control well, i.;r/-: {» t 2 In the te6t we1ls a theroal EtlEulatlon lras conducted. Pres bulld-up and fall-off tests and back pressure tests were taken Pr the stluulatlon in order to evaluate Ehe results of the experfmen The use of ultrasonfc energy vas not conaldered practlcal fo present study slnce no sultable equlPment ls commerclally avallab sure t r s 'fit¡tti$t\t' 1e af.SPot thls tlEe. Solvent stinulation technlques dld not look proulslng enough to try ln a fleld test.

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