As the demand fc,r energy continuously rises, crude oil aLone is not enough to meetthe requirement in the near future. The limited supply of Petroleum along with its skyrocketing price encourages thé effort to seek alternative energy sources. Coal, a lraditional fue1, is once again brought into attention because of its abundance. However, the current strip mining technique can only recover the coal resources at depths of less than 60 meters- The deep basin coal , which accounts for more than 90t of the coaL resources, is either uneconomical or unsafe to recover by strip mining. Alternative recovery methods' ¡¡aLreloTEst j.n situ liquefaction or gasification. with the information gained from the other in sit erations and the above-ground coal liquefaction, ¡ op /n nd eoal liquefaction is considered as a possible means to re-' i acul J At' "t I't\; cover deep basin coar ' compared $'ith underground co{f, clENcl¡r'rri i-'r lrrnl\'' grasification, underground coal liquefaction has many advantages which are