Conduction heating is an important mechanism to be considened in thermal oi1 recovery techniques. However,, conduction heating is most applicable to systems containing irnmobil,e bitumen such as tar sands and oil shale deposits, and reservoirs with Lor^, permeability containing highly viscous oiL. Sevenal investigators have developed mathematical models nepnesenting conduction heating and have shov¡n thein applications in in situ recovery from oil sha1e, H. A. Lesser", G. H. Bnuce and H. L. Stone (1966) proposed a mathematical model that represents the conduction heating of formation with 1ütrited pe::meability by condensing gases and ilfustrated the application of the model in predicting in situ heating of oil shale using superheated stean as injected f1uid. The heating is accomplished by inducing horizontal fractures to produce communication betlreen the injection and pnoduction weLls. In this r.ray heat is conducted into the formation and once the pyrol-ysis temperature is reached the kerogen is transformed to liquids and gases which are necovered together with the injected f1uid. In this process, an analysis of the heat conduction mechanism can be used to determine the time required to heat all of the fonmation to a desired temperature. Also, ,l ,, L ,rr";¡\ /.+')"-:' .''\, 2 the distribution of temperatune can be obtained for any injection time and the area or volu¡ue of the fonmation