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Desarrollo y comercialización de la cerveza orgánica de sabores tropicales jungle en la ciudad de Guayaquil para el año 2009

Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem Contreras, R. Regalado, A. Gando, P. 2009-08-04 2009-08-04 2009-08-04
dc.description.abstract The craft and organic Beer of flavors JUNGLE is an alternative product done based on hop, barley, yeast, water, and other ingredients that offer to it the special and innovative touch, without chemists not preservantes, JUNGLE has all the benefits of a traditional beer as well as additional benefits so much for the health as the environment. The beer JUNGLE will be expended only in the first microbrewery JUNGLE, for being a craft beer, which must be produced in small quantities and supervised to the detail for the beer teacher. JUNGLE will be located in a special equipment where one stops fermenting the craft beer in order that the consumers could taste it, at the same time as they see part of the production of the product that they have in their hands, generating this way one more attraction for this product. The results of the investigation threw that many people from Guayaquil do not enjoy the traditional beer due to its bitter flavor so Jungle will appear in the flavors of orange, lemon and pineapple. It is directed the segment of middle class and discharge from 26 to 40 years of age to whom we will come across a plan of not traditional marketing. en
dc.language.iso spa en
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject ORGÁNICO en
dc.subject ARTESANAL en
dc.title Desarrollo y comercialización de la cerveza orgánica de sabores tropicales jungle en la ciudad de Guayaquil para el año 2009 en
dc.type Article en

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