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Systematic review in scientific Scopus base of improvement solutions in soils with expansive clays

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dc.contributor.advisor Carrión Mero, Paúl César , Director Chucuyán Pérez, María
dc.creator ESPOL.FICT 2025-02-04T16:42:03Z 2025-02-04T16:42:03Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Chucuyán Pérez, M. (2024). Systematic review in scientific Scopus base of improvement solutions in soils with expansive clays. [Articulo de Titulación]. ESPOL.FICT .
dc.description X
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 13 página
dc.language.iso spa
dc.publisher ESPOL.FICT
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject Clays
dc.subject Soil quality
dc.subject Swelling
dc.subject Humidity and clay mineral
dc.title Systematic review in scientific Scopus base of improvement solutions in soils with expansive clays
dc.type Maestría en Geotecnia
dc.identifier.codigoespol T-114833 Guayaquil Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
dc.identifier.codigoproyectointegrador POSTG112
dc.description.abstractenglish Significant economic losses and disasters have been recorded worldwide in constructions on soils with clayey minerals due to their low rigidity and resistance. Expansive clay soils in wet conditions have been problematic for civil engineering, especially in heavy structures, increasing improvement costs and time. This research endeavours to analyse the solutions applied to improve the quality of expansive clay soils through the systematisation of information published in the Scopus scientific database, co-occurrence map of keywords, methodological trends, and systematic review for the identification of current pinpoint lacunae and promising avenues for future study. The methodological approach revolves around employing thematic descriptors of expansive clays and soil improvement, applied to the Scopus scientific database, and the analysis statistically applying Vosviewer software, enabling the identification of the primary relationships between countries and researchers. This aim will also encompass the contribution of methodologies for adequately addressing this problem. Subsequently, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method was applied, focusing on a systematic review of case studies. The analysis of scientific production revealed an increase in publications during the final period (2015-2023), which included methods implemented for soil improvement. Eco-friendly binders such as stabilisers with residual fibre mixtures, jet grouting, biopolymers, geopolymers, biotechnology, and organic and inorganic materials stand out. China and the United States lead the way in scientific publications due to the high content of clayey soils and the population growth in these countries. Within the systematic review, the use of the chemical method with a predominance of lime showed up in almost all the case studies, increasing the compressive and tensile strength of the material. This research establishes a comprehensive and specific analysis of conventional and current soil improvement methods while defining the growth in future study topics, such as implementing waste materials, recycled polymers, and alternative ecological binders aligned with infrastructure stability.

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