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Evaluation and Performance of Rammed Aggregate Piers and Stone

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dc.contributor.advisor Vera Grunauer, Xavier Fernando, Director Badillo Coello, Jorge Andrés Pazmiño Román, Álvaro Andrés
dc.creator ESPOL.FICT 2025-02-04T18:33:55Z 2025-02-04T18:33:55Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Badillo Coello, J. A. y Pazmiño Román, Á. A. (2024). Evaluation and Performance of Rammed Aggregate Piers and Stone. [Articulo de Titulación]. ESPOL.FICT .
dc.description X
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 32 página
dc.language.iso spa
dc.publisher ESPOL.FICT
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject Ground improvement
dc.subject Rammed Aggregate Pier
dc.subject Stone columns
dc.subject Load test
dc.title Evaluation and Performance of Rammed Aggregate Piers and Stone
dc.type Maestría en Geotecnia
dc.identifier.codigoespol T-114836 Guayaquil Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
dc.identifier.codigoproyectointegrador POSTG115
dc.description.abstractenglish Rammed Aggregate Piers® (RAP) and Stone Columns by vibro replacement (SC) are among the methods used for the construction of vertical gravel elements, increasingly employed as ground soil improvement techniques. This study describes and analyzes the performance of 41 RAP elements and 12 SC elements (53 in total) installed in two wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), located in the north and south of the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador), specifically along the banks of the Daule and Guayas rivers, respectively. The analysis includes geotechnical characterization generated through the interpretation of in-situ and laboratory tests, along with load tests and settlement plates, to provide design recommendations for ground improvement of alluvial and deltaic estuarine deposits, consisting of high plasticity, diatomaceous, naturally cemented clays with alternating seams of fine sands and silty sands stratum. The results revealed that the installation technique of vertical gravel elements and the soil matrix affect the ultimate bearing capacity, deformation modulus, and stiffness of the vertical elements, as well as the geotechnical properties of the soil matrix

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