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Generation of stability models and mapping using photogram- metric reconstruction techniques in Chichaca tunnel (Province 3 of Loja)

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dc.contributor.advisor Garcés León, Daniel Omar, Director
dc.contributor.author Cedeño Oviedo, Andrés
dc.contributor.author Cedeño Oviedo, Andrés Fernando
dc.creator ESPOL.FICT
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-04T19:26:23Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-04T19:26:23Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation Cedeño Oviedo, A. y Cedeño Oviedo, A. F. (2024). Generation of stability models and mapping using photogram- metric reconstruction techniques in Chichaca tunnel (Province 3 of Loja). [Articulo de Titulación]. ESPOL.FICT .
dc.identifier.uri http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/63522
dc.description X
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 14 página
dc.language.iso spa
dc.publisher ESPOL.FICT
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject Tunnel
dc.subject Photogrammetric reconstruction
dc.subject Discontinuities
dc.subject Stability analysis
dc.subject Geomechanical stations
dc.subject Wedge
dc.title Generation of stability models and mapping using photogram- metric reconstruction techniques in Chichaca tunnel (Province 3 of Loja)
dc.type Maestría en Geotecnia
dc.identifier.codigoespol T-114837
dc.description.city Guayaquil
dc.description.degree Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
dc.identifier.codigoproyectointegrador POSTG116
dc.description.abstractenglish The Chichaca Tunnel was handcrafted by the residents of Chantaco and Chuquibamba in 11 the Catamayo Canton of Loja Province, Ecuador. Its construction began in 1936, took nearly 20 years, 12 and was completed using only hand tools and blasting techniques. The tunnel spans 62 meters and 13 serves as a crucial route for the region's residents. Despite its stability to date, concerns persist re- 14 garding its safety due to the lack of geotechnical investigations. This study addresses these concerns 15 by employing advanced photogrammetric reconstruction techniques, specifically Structure from 16 Motion (SfM), to analyze the tunnel's discontinuities and identify potential structural vulnerabili- 17 ties. Additionally, a stability analysis will be conducted using Barton's Q-System for geomechanical 18 classification, complemented by wedge failure analysis. By focusing on the tunnel portals and mid- 19 section, this research aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the Chichaca Tunnel's stability 20 and safety.

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