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Geotechnical characterization of the soil profile before and after preloading, a case study of soft soils in Durán, Ecuador

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dc.contributor.advisor Besenzon Venegas, Davide, Director Arévalo Ochoa, Juan Muñoz Buestán, Steven
dc.creator ESPOL.FICT 2025-02-07T17:25:14Z 2025-02-07T17:25:14Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Arévalo Ochoa, J. y Muñoz Buestán, S. (2023). Geotechnical characterization of the soil profile before and after preloading, a case study of soft soils in Durán, Ecuador. [Articulo Titulación]. ESPOL.FICT .
dc.description X
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 31 página
dc.language.iso spa
dc.publisher ESPOL.FICT
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject Soft soils
dc.subject Geotechnical characterization
dc.subject In situ tests
dc.subject Piezocone test
dc.subject Seismic dilatometer test
dc.title Geotechnical characterization of the soil profile before and after preloading, a case study of soft soils in Durán, Ecuador
dc.type Maestría en Geotecnia
dc.identifier.codigoespol T-114854 Guayaquil Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
dc.identifier.codigoproyectointegrador POSTG133
dc.description.abstractenglish The accelerated growth of the industrial zone of Durán, on the Ecuadorian coast close to Guayaquil, requires the construction of structures founded on settlement-powerful strata of soft soils. The high compressibility and low shear strength of these soils create challenges in the stability of the foundations of these structures. The presence of these soils represents a complex geotechnical situation to solve, mainly due to the settlements caused by the magnitude of the overloads from different engineering projects. For the engineering design of the foundation system of any structure, the geotechnical characterization of the subsoil is required to provide reliable resistance and deformability parameters. This article presents the results and interpretation of the in-situ test campaign, complemented with laboratory data, at the Durán Logistics Terminal characterized by these soft deposits. Boreholes with standard penetration tests (SPT), piezocone (CPTU) and seismic dilatometer (SDMT) tests were carried out in different areas, both before and after the application of different preloads useful to induce a part of the settlement before the construction of warehouses. Soil samples allowed to supply soil classification and stiffness characterization, enabling accurate interpretation and correlation with in situ data. The results obtained after the removal of the preloads detect a considerable improvement of the geotechnical parameters due to the induced settlements, providing a helpful case study for the optimal the design of foundation systems in soft deposits. Keywords: preload; soft soils; geotechnical characterization; in situ tests; piezocone test; seismic dilatometer test

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