This paper describes the study and analysis of the implementation of a Robotic Vision system with MATLAB
that visualizes information through a low cost IP wireless camera controlled by a robot called
“MINDSTORM ROBOT SPY”. This camera is remotely operated by a control system designed in MATLAB
R2009a. This system can also be accessed via VNC (virtual network connection) to have a systematic and
concurrent control of the working environment either locally or remotely through the Internet.
A general perspective of the robotic system visualization was presented. General considerations that will
allow us to develop an optimal design were also presented. A brief study of the actual situation of robotic
vision systems and the different systems available in the market nowadays has been made to provide the users
more tools for analysis. Different development and management tools necessary for the implementation of this
system, as well as its potential usefulness in the development of applications for the industries,
communications and security have been presented. And finally, different programs that allow the proper
operation of our system as well as the design and programming have also been explained in detail.
In general, this graduation project’s main objective is it to cover important aspects for the development and
implementation of security vision systems in industries, commercial and residential areas to provide low cost