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Simulación de un derrame de hidrocarburos en el puerto pesquero de santa rosa del cantón salinas

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dc.contributor.author Marín Jarrín, María José
dc.contributor.author Chang Gómez, José
dc.date.accessioned 2010-11-09
dc.date.available 2010-11-09
dc.date.issued 2010-11-09
dc.identifier.uri http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/13493
dc.description.abstract The port of Santa Rosa, province of Santa Elena, presents a community dedicated to the artisanal fishery, which demands the manipulation of gasoline in ships and coastal dispatchers. Hence, it is necessary to predict the effects of a spill in this area. A confrontation matrix allowed comparing the most common oil-spill simulation programs and the most important characteristics in order to adjust to the study area. Two models were chosen: ADIOS2 and GNOME, which allow the simulation of oil aging in the ocean and the spill trajectory, respectively. Using these programs, six Unleaded Gasoline spills were simulated in two zones: the fishermen’s dockage area and, the gasoline-supplying dock in the San Jacinto Point. Data of the two climatic stations of the region were used: rainy and dry season, with variable parameters of temperature and wind. It was observed that in dry season, most of the spilled oil is evaporated and dispersed in less than 6 hours, and no barrel reaches land. However, in rainy season, all the spills reach land since the first hour after the spill. en
dc.language.iso spa en
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject GASOLINA en
dc.subject ADIOS2 en
dc.subject GNOME. en
dc.title Simulación de un derrame de hidrocarburos en el puerto pesquero de santa rosa del cantón salinas en
dc.type Article en

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