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Proyecto para la implementación de un sistema de transporte turístico que interconecte las principales comunidades costeras y playas de las provincias de Manabí y Santa Elena

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dc.contributor.author Arboleda Castro, Lorena Vanesa
dc.contributor.author Clavijo Espinoza, Carmen España
dc.contributor.author Diaz Alvarez, Maritza Del Rocio
dc.contributor.author Mejia Coronel, Marco Tulio
dc.date.accessioned 2009-04-17
dc.date.available 2009-04-17
dc.date.issued 2009-04-17
dc.identifier.uri http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4844
dc.description.abstract As time passes by, Tourism is becoming one of the most important sectors for the economies of the countries, due to its direct impact in national development, revenues redistribution, balance of payments, employment, gross domestic product and regional economies. Taking this as a background, several reasons gave place “La Ruta del Sol” to reach a touristic peak in the last decade: paradisiacal landscapes; socio-natural locations where most antique Ecuadorian Pre-Ceramic period cultures set up; tourist resorts highly visited by adventure and water sports lovers; original marine mammals and migratory birds sightseeing sites; and its gastronomy. However, irresponsible government management has caused road deteriorations between communities/towns and Manabí province. The following written has as primal objective to measure de feasibility of establishing an alternate or nonconventional transport system, having as its main reason the improvement of mobilization between “La Ruta del Sol” surrounding spots so as to take advantage of its touristic potential. In order to achieve this, several studies will be run such as: marketing, technical, financial, and cost volume profit (sensitivity) analysis. Finally, a conclusion and recommendations will be presented at the end of this written. en
dc.language.iso spa en
dc.rights openAccess
dc.subject RUTA DEL SOL en
dc.subject TURISMO en
dc.subject PLAYAS en
dc.subject TRANSPORTE en
dc.subject COMUNIDADES en
dc.title Proyecto para la implementación de un sistema de transporte turístico que interconecte las principales comunidades costeras y playas de las provincias de Manabí y Santa Elena en
dc.type Article en

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