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dc.contributor.authorAnchundia Ruiz, Mercy-
dc.contributor.authorSantos Flores, Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorAstudillo Brocel, Gabriel-
dc.description.abstractToday the use of a private central exchange (PBX) is essential for any organization and in this environment usually happens when called by telephone to a user, whose line is busy, there is a need to insist on treating to carry out communication, trying to call again after waiting a reasonable time, but often do not have the time or for some reason forget to retry the call, which could be very important for the caller. Hence the objective of this project is to demonstrate that Asterisk can provide very specific functionality as described in this project and allow it to compete with proprietary telephony systems. In the first chapter details the background, objectives and rationale of this study, the second comprised the essential concepts for implementation thereof, in the third chapter describes the technical specifications and project development and in the fourth chapter specifies how work and tests carried out.en
dc.subjectTELEFONÍA IPen
dc.titleImplementación de un sistema callback usando archivos .callen
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIEC

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