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Title: What Are The Perceptions Of EFL Secondary Students Regarding The Use Of Journal Writing
Authors: Shaw, Dara Gay
Bermudes Rugel, Luis Humberto
Issue Date: 12-Mar-2016
Publisher: Espol
Citation: Bermudes Rugel, Luis Humberto (2011). What Are The Perceptions Of EFL Secondary Students Regarding The Use Of Journal Writing. Trabajo final para la obtención del título: Master en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera Espol. Fcsh, Guayaquil. 127 p.
Description: English as a foreign language (efl) teaching is in many ways a vast realm where a lot has been done throughout the years. The voices of many experts have risen to lend their unique perspectives in the different problems that come from teaching a foreign language to groups of diverse origins and of different ages. Experiments have been done, and projects have been conducted which have contributed to the availability of valuable knowledge and information. This study examines one small region of that realm, one part that has been visited often in the past only this time the participants are secondary students in an efl class in a latin american city. This research study centers on journal writing in efl. chapter i offers a brief overview of the problem, its scope and the procedures selected to approach it. Chapter ii offers the literature review, which in addition to being devoted to journal writing, also but also covers aspects of journaling that are tied to the pedagogy of language
Appears in Collections:Tesis de Maestría en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

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