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Title: Development Of Materials For Teaching EFL Reading At Third Grade Level In Ecuador
Authors: Maloney, Dennis P
Dupuis Rittenhouse, Karin Ingrid
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2016
Publisher: Espol
Citation: Dupuis Rittenhouse, Karin Ingrid (2011). Development Of Materials For Teaching EFL Reading At Third Grade Level In Ecuador. Trabajo final para la obtención del título: Maestria en Enseñanza del Ingles Como Lengua Extranjera Espol. Fcsh, Guayaquil. 161 p.
Description: Teachers tend to imitate the way in which they were taught. Ecuadorian teachers are no exception. Teachers in the ecuadorian educational system have been exposed to traditional ways of teaching as students. therefore, unintentionally their own educational experiences are transmitted and reflected in their way of teaching. It is important to take in account that teachers do not always have a say in schools policies, nor do they have power in the selection of the material that is chosen for reading, but to some extent they do have the power to change internally, by modifying their actions and attitudes, and creating an inviting environment. Burnaford, fisher & hobson (1996) among others assert: Teacher brings a lifetime of experience, as a teacher and student in a variety of schooling environments to the present situation. Even if new to the profession teachers, carry their experience of schooling to the present tasks. (p.3) my teachin
Appears in Collections:Tesis de Maestría en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

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