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dc.contributor.authorEstrada Cedeño, Pablo Andrés-
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Aragón, Leonardo, Director-
dc.identifier.citationEstrada, P. (2021). Endogeneity in the Linear-In-Means Model. [Tesis de Maestría]. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral.es_EC
dc.description.abstractLinear-in-means models are widely used in different contexts to estimate peer effects. In these models, there are two potential sources of endogeneity: in the interaction network and the individual’s characteristics. This paper proposes a General Three-Stage Least Square estimation modified to account for the endogeneity of the network and covariates in the linear-in-means model. The new procedure, called G3SLSX, modifies the G3SLS (Estrada et al., 2021) to recover the social and direct effects using a predetermined network and an exogenous variable as instrument. The Monte Carlo experiments show that G3SLSX has similar performance as G3SLS for the social effects. For the direct effects, G3SLSX outperforms G3SLS in the case of over-identification.es_EC
dc.publisherESPOL. FCSHes_EC
dc.subjectVariables instrumentaleses_EC
dc.subjectModelos linealeses_EC
dc.subjectRedes multiplexadases_EC
dc.titleEndogeneity in the Linear-In-Means Modeles_EC
Appears in Collections:Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias Económicas

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