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dc.contributor.authorMacías Macías, Alexandra Monserrate-
dc.contributor.authorVera Quiroz, Dalida Kaymara-
dc.identifier.citationMacías, A.,Vera, D. (2020). Stability assessment of rock slopes combining slope mass rating and qslope classification systems: a case study in cerro san eduardo (Guayaquil, Ecuador) [Article de magister]. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litorales_EC
dc.description.abstractIn the present study, the stability of the slope located in the Modesto Apolo Ramírez Avenue, is analyzed. The avenue is located prior to the access to the Cerro San Eduardo tunnel, which has had habitual problems of falling blocks to the roadway. For the study, empirical methodology was applied, including the data mapping based on geomechanical classifications such as Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Slope Mass Rating (SMR) and Q-Slope index, which assign a defined score, obtaining the quality of the rocky mass, and with this, the degree of stability of the slope. In addition, through the application of RocFall software, the empirical methodology has been compared with the analysis of rockfall trajectory, making a retrospective study of behavior and simulating the constant falling of blocks on the roadway. As a consequence of the exploration, it was evident that the geomechanical classifications -in this particular case- are not completely effective to determine the degree of stability of the massif. This is due to the fact that, even though the slopes are globally stable, these classifications do not seem to adequately determine a level of risk against rockfalls, as can be seen from visu. Therefore, it can be seen that the slope does not have a risk of collapse, but instead presents a high danger of landslides that could cause considerable economic and human lives losses. The study recommends geometric solutions for impact mitigation to prevent future damage.es_EC
dc.publisherESPOL. FICTes_EC
dc.subjectRmr - smres_EC
dc.titleStability assessment of rock slopes combining slope mass rating and qslope classification systems: a case study in cerro San Eduardo (Guayaquil, Ecuador)es_EC
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis de Maestría en Geotecnia

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