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dc.contributor.authorSeminario, I.-
dc.contributor.authorZúñiga, L.-
dc.description.abstractThe present project must like the main idea of make the implementation of a system of management and operational control of the critical assets of a company that is dedicated to the commercialization of shrimp, products of bamboo, and services of qualification in quality, security and environment, the carried out study will execute on the basis of English norm PAS55 and by means of the applications of the philosophy of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and the methodology of 5S `s. A preliminary diagnosis of the procedures made on the part of the company will be made, to know the initial situation the same one, will be come to execute the development of each one of the eight pillars of the TPM, will be made qualifications to the personnel of the company in relation to the used philosophies in the present work. In addition software for effects will be developed to fortify cycle PHVA and power to demonstrate the continuous improvement of the management system, and to optimize the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of the assets of the organization.en
dc.titleDiseño de un sistema de gestión y control operacional de los activos críticos para una empresa que se dedica a la comercialización de camarón, productos de bambú, y servicios de capacitación en calidad, seguridad y medio ambiente ubicada en la ciudad de Guayaquil durante el período 2009en
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - ICM

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