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Título : Implementación de una empresa de servicios complementaríos hacia embarcaciones que transitan en la ciudad de Guayaquil.
Autor : Hernández Cuadrado, José
Medrano Andrade, David
Ramírez Brown, Patricia
Moreno Aguí, Ivonne
Fecha de publicación : 22-abr-2010
Resumen : There is a dissatisfied demand that belongs to the little development of businesses and/or commerce related to the Maritime sector in Guayaquil and the ones that exist sometimes do not include the goods and services that the ships requires which generates extra costs due the costumers have to expend time in searching because they have to move toward different places in order to get the required goods. Seizing this opportunity the idea of improve this business born, added some values directed to the service policy oriented to satisfy a potential demand making really attractive the idea of the implementation of the business. At present there are not public national studies regarding this type of business, so this study will help for the constitution of this kind of business and will also help as a referential framework so the ones that already exists could evaluate and re-define their strategies. The project is going to carry out in the city of Guayaquil looking to being extended to all the ports of country as: La Libertad, Puerto Bolívar, Manta and Esmeraldas.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/10023
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FCSH

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