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Título : Modelo de oportunidad de mejora para el cliente en la elección de su plan celular mediante el diseño de una datawarehouse y árboles de decisión
Autor : Calvas Bayas, Lorena Patricia
Vásconez Vasconez, Ángela Elvira
Palabras clave : AUTOCONTROL
Fecha de publicación : 2-jun-2010
Resumen : For the purpose of this project we have deemed the cellular provider we have chosen for a case study as Cellcorpo. Cellcorpo as a cellular provider that has a diversity of calling plans, we have chosen the two most popular in our market: Controlled and Pre-paid. A Controlled calling plan is defined by having a fixed amount of minutes and or fixed amount of text messages, depending of what type of plan the client chooses when he acquires the cellular phone with the provider. A pre-paid calling plan is defined by a plan where the client buys prepaid minutes which activate the phone until the minutes run out or they expire. In our study we have applied decision tree’s to the companies data base to determine which client would benefit changing their calling plan according the last 3 months of their calling plan consuming habits. Cellcorpo’s database consists of two hundred and twenty three thousand two hundred and fifty six clients. These clients currently have one of the two types of plans in our study; controlled or pre-paid. To arrive at our results we have modeled decision trees using the table “Maestro” with the help of a program called AnswerTree by SPSS. After applying the necessary variables to the segmentation of cliental, we arrive at sixty five thousand and six hundred and sixty three clients that would benefit from a change of plans.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/10300
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - ICM

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