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Title: Proyecto de evaluación sobre la tecnificación y comercialización de agua purificada en botella en la provincia de Santa Elena
Authors: Barros Espín, Silvia Lorena
Franco Benítez, Carlos
Tomalá Ortega, Roosvelt
Keywords: AGUA
Issue Date: 7-Jul-2010
Abstract: Regarding to the importance of obtaining high quality purified water, we are planning to establish the Purified Bottled Water Factory in Santa Elena Province. The Project has been developed by the FRESH WATER Company to provide a high quality product, which will be elaborated following standard regulations. The product is planned to be distributed in stores, groceries, delis and schools. As a strategy to present and introduce this new product, a previous informative campaign will be carried out during two weeks. “FRESH WATER” will obtain the respective permits and patented brand following the INEN policies and regulations. Economical growth and financial productivity strategies have been determined. FRESH WATER has considered a budget of $68.354.00, that shall be invested within a five years period. It is expected that the investment shall be recovered at the fourth year. From the fifth year, the sales will increase in a 10% rate per year, generating profits for the company actionists and associated. To provide support to the planned economical structure of this project, the financial indexes have been detailed in the economical scheme. Also, the balance sheet and income/outcome simulations have been detailed.
Appears in Collections:Artículos de Tesis de Grado - EDCOM

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