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Título : Diseño del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud laboral basado
Autor : Nieves, R
Olvera, J
OHSAS 18001-2007
Fecha de publicación : 11-oct-2010
Resumen : Nowadays, most of the Ecuadorian companies are being affected by the lack of Management in Quality Systems, Environment, Industrial Safety and Occupational Health that cause a lot of legal problems, industrial accidents, environmental pollution, defective products which generates operating costs due to the lack of prevention in the different activities of the company. For this graduation project we have designed a Safety Management System and Occupational Health, based on International Standard, OHSAS 18001-2007, which was applied in a corrugated cardboard processing company located in Guayaquil city. This company, concerned about the high rate of accidents as a result of the different activities of production, storage and distribution of its raw materials and finished goods, wants to apply an International System of Occupational Safety and Health which will enable to eliminate or minimize the danger of employees and other stakeholders who may be exposed to those hazards associated with its activities. This goal can be achieved by establishing clear policies of an ongoing commitment to the company, controlling all the technical and operational activities, administrative and legal among others, related to occupational health and safety of its employees. In this way, the company will be generating a culture of prevention of occupational hazards. The main objective of this project is to eliminate or minimize the risks to the employees are exposed in their work activities. The methodology followed for the development of this work begins with the implementation of the situational diagnosis of the company, through the observation of the problems presented in the facilities and in the safety documentation that the company has, identifying the necessities, problems, strengths and weaknesses to develop the management system. Once gathered the necessary information, the Occupational Health and Safety manual was structured in accordance with the requirements of OHSAS 18001, and the General Procedures manual. Regular meetings were conducted and the employees involved in the different areas of the company were interviewed. Finally, the emergency plan was developed. This is designed to meet needs that were identified in the analysis of risks and the Standard’s requirements. This Emergency Plan was developed in three documents: Identification of Critical Points, Equipment and Facilities Protection and Emergency Plan. All procedures performed were developed jointly with the assigned leaders, trying to fit the company needs to these procedures. Furthermore, safety records for some areas and activities were developed. Finally, the objective of this project is to create better job conditions through the implementation of a Management System SSL in order to develop a culture of preventive work that benefits the company and the entire society
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/13301
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIMCP

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