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Título : Sistema de producción: caso fábrica rph motors
Autor : Heredia, Ma. Antonieta
Paz, Sheyla
Rodríguez, Javier
Abad, Jorge
Palabras clave : SIMULACIÓN
Fecha de publicación : 22-oct-2010
Resumen : The present project has an objective of develop a simple product that can be produce inside a classroom in order to complement the process of theoretical learning/practitioner. For which an Academic Factory is developed that simulates a Line of Manufacture, where the student can identify problems in diverse stages of the Productive Process and select to the sequence of Methodologies and/or Production Techniques that must be applied to improve the indicators that the Factory. Additionally Case of Study is developed, where all the information is compiled that the student requires previous to the simulation of the game in the classroom. The design of a simulation model was obtained as a result of the Project where the students can interact in a similar atmosphere of an Industry, perceive their problems and analyze viable solutions in a practical and didactic form. It obtains that the student understands the operation of each Methodology and/or Technique propose, as well as the interaction among them, looking for that each change raised by the work party follows a logical sequence that guarantees the best performance of the indicators.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/13375
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIMCP

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