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Título : Desarrollo del sistema cafixed - control de activos fijos para municipios de los cantones pequeños
Autor : Balanzategui, José
Figueroa, Stalin
Muñoz, Jimmy
Galio, Gustavo
Palabras clave : SISTEMA CAFIXED V 1.0
Fecha de publicación : 28-feb-2011
Resumen : The Municipalities of the small Cantons of the Ecuador, present offices with spaces that occupy big quantities of documents and physical files with their users' important information, and they have the great necessity to improve the control and handling of the Fixed Assets. For it intends it a Computer System that allows the Modernization and optimization of the Control and handling of the Fixed Assets, improving the current operations of the Municipal Government's public servants notably through a better assignment, administration and control of the Fixed Assets. This Computer System will allow to have detailed and consolidated, up-to-date and historical information of physical and economic movements, like support for the taking of guessed right decisions that they allow to guarantee, the efficient and transparent use of the Fixed Assets of the Municipalities of the small Cantons of the Ecuador, benefitting them with the reduction of administrative and operative expenses, with the readiness of information on any fixed asset in the wanted moment, as the location of a certain Fixed Asset, the information of the custodian of the fixed asset, etc. to Know in any moment the current value, the physical state of the Fixed Assets, and the record of depreciations and additions of the fixed assets.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/14870
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIEC

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