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Título : Perceptions Of Success In ESL Classrooms With Cooperative Learning
Autor : Shaw, Dara Gay
Játiva Guachilema, Magali Janet
Palabras clave : INGLES
Fecha de publicación : 13-mar-2016
Editorial : Espol
Citación : Játiva Guachilema, Magali Janet (2011). Perceptions Of Success In ESL Classrooms With Cooperative Learning. Trabajo final para la obtención del título: Maestria en Enseñanza del Inglés Como Lengua Extranjera Espol. Fcsh, Guayaquil. 123 p.
Descripción : I have been teaching english as a foreign language in several ecuadorian schools for more than ten years in an elementary school for two years, in a secondary school for other three years and in two different universities (one private and the other one public) for six years. I have used group work for the last five years in my english as a second language (esl) classes. At one of the universities where i received the guidance and training on how to apply group work activities, collaborative and cooperative language learning were emphasized through workshops and the tkt (teaching knowledge test) course (cambridge university press spratt, pulverness, williams 2005). This methodology has been an institutional policy for the english language center throughout these years. The former coordinators of the english program where i teach encouraged their faculty to use these cooperative tasks. In fact, these coordinators, insisted on using group work.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/xmlui/handle/123456789/32084
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