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Título : Red de distribución de medicamentos en la ciudad de Guayaquil
Autor : Pacherres, Gabriela
Villalva, Mariela
Paredes, Alberto
Martinez, Washington
Palabras clave : RED DE DISTRIBUCION
Fecha de publicación : 21-abr-2009
Resumen : This work will allow us to know what is an Distribution Net and how important that is for industries in general that are a very important part of the economy of the country. Nowadays it is necessary for companies to determine its optimal net of distribution , since it is a tool to achieve that the productive sector of the country operates in an efficient and effective way, being able to establish errors in the handling of its human resources, administrative, financial and operative and mainly the way to improve them. General aspects of the industries are embraced to know what they are, their classification, their development and importance in the economy. In the second part, this work leaves a theoretical mark that allows us to understand what a distribution net is about. In the third part, it shows the complete methodological process to realize a successful distribution net, with all their phases and the elements that we need to know to carry out effectively and efficiently. In the fourth part, is carried out an analysis to a company showing an alternative to the transport change, using a program that allows establishing an efficient sequence of stops to deliver the products. In the fifth, we show the results and the selection of the best possible choice due to the kind of transport used. In the last part, we have the conclusions and recommendations referring to the results of the program used.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4859
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FCSH

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