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Título : Metodología para el replanteo y trazado del proyecto horizontal de la vía: tramos cerecita – tamarindo – la bajada de progreso
Autor : Alcoser Serrano Paco, Paco Junior
Palacios Ponce, Jose Oswaldo
Soledispa Coronel, Luis Alberto
Santos Baquerizo, Eduardo
Palabras clave : REPLANTEO
Fecha de publicación : 23-abr-2009
Resumen : Along our professional formation, we have studied in detail three stages that you precede to the realization of a project of highways. They are these, the study of ways the layout study and the execution of the preliminary design. Completed these three stages of the work, corresponds now to carry out the call project of the highway. As such, understands each other the process of localization of the axis of the road, their restate in the land and GPS location of their adjacent areas, establishment of the drainage systems, estimate of the quantities of work to execute, wording of the reports and memories that they should accompany to the planes. In this grade thesis, we will emphasize the whole methodology that we should use to restate the horizontal project of a road, “Methodology for the Restate and Layout of the Horizontal Project of the Road: Tracts: Cerecita, Tamarindo and La Bajada de Progreso". The restates topographical it belonging to the group of operations dedicated to signal in land the location of engineering works, whose physical characteristics are contained in the project planes. The basic structure of a work road is defined by the project axes, whose projection in plant this constituted by a group of right alignments connected for curved circular or curves of radio variable with the development. It was analyzed to the detail each step to continue in the restate of the horizontal project, which includes Axis of the Road, curves horizontal and typical section of the road, with the main objective of leaving ready the land for the following works
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4877
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FICT

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