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Título : Proyecto de creación de una empresa exportadora de dulces típicos provenientes de la provincia de Manabí hacia madrid - españa
Autor : Avendaño Goya, Maria De Fatima
Burneo Nuñez, Maria Julia
Zambrano Farias, Viviana Paola
Tobalina Ditto, Constantino Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 23-abr-2009
Resumen : The following grade project will be based on the creation of a company which exports traditional sweetmeats coming from Rocafuerte – Manabí to Spain. In chapter one it will analyze important topics such us commercial relations between Ecuador and Spain, its economy, social issues and politics, in that way it will be easy to know if it is viable to export the product to that country. Some other important variables will be analyzed like marketing mix, value proposal, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), demand, price, potential market, etc. It’s important to know that market investigation will determine consumer preferences and how much acceptation the product will have. Chapter two will contain the technical and organizational study, some preparation processes of the products that the company is going to sell, in this case it will be “alfajores”, “cocadas”, a kind of confectionary made of quince and “bolitas de manjar”. It will also contain some hygienic requirements, they will be important in order to make an excellent preparation, packaging, tagging and distribution. On the other hand it will analyze how many employees and operators will be needed. Finally chapter three will be based on the financial analysis to know project’s feasibility. In order to discover if the project can be true, it will be necessary to do the cash flow with an average period of five years and the sensitivity analysis done by an special software called @RISK, this will be used to know how profitable the project will be.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4879
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FCSH

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