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Título : Análisis del impacto económico de la concesión del puerto de manta con respecto al comercio exteríor ecuatoriano
Autor : Cantos Suarez, Jeannine
Semiglia Candelario, Sonia
Vera Moran, Silvia
Tapia, Monica
Palabras clave : COMERCIO EXTERIOR
Fecha de publicación : 5-may-2009
Resumen : The present paper seeks to know the advantages and disadvantages that it would carry to Ecuador the Manta´s Port concession in relation to foreign trade. The study extends since the concession started until February 4, 2009. Throughout the analysis will gather information from the port, identifying competitive advantages such as the strategic location and natural features that make it attractive to become an international transfer charge port to South America level. It also made a comparative analysis of charge annual´s movement between the ports that represent competition for the Manta´s Port, according to the volume and type of charge moved, also shows an analysis of economic benefits and productivity which would result in the development concession, from the perspective of traders, the concessionaire and the licensing authority. At the end of this thesis, we find the conclusions of the analysis done by developing a definitive answer to the central hypothesis of this study is related to the increase in the income of larger vessels to the port, which can increase the imports and exports thus creating a socio-economic development in the country, as well as possible alternatives and recommendations for effective development project.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4934
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FCSH

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