Tesis de Maestría en Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022The effects of technology-enhanced grammar activities on EFL writing accuracy in an Ecuadorian higher education instituteJiménez Carrión, María Gabriela
2022Knowledge of elf and Ecuadorian English language teacher attitudes towards EnglishRodriguez Estéfano, Julio Alejandro
2015Exploring Gender In The Dynamics Of The Efl Classroom At The Elementary SchoolFlores, Jorge, Director; Peña Figari, Elena María
2021Effect of voice messages and short videos through WhatsApp application to enhance the communicative skills of EFL B1 learners between the age of 18 to 25 in an Ecuadorian UniversityOye, Rotimi Peter; Salvador Cisneros, Katherine, Director
2021Translanguaging and EFL- an action research in an ecuadorian private higher education institutionChalá Pinta, Nadia Marianella; Ruiz Baquerizo, Grace Emily; Yambay de Armijos, Karen, Director
2021Project-based learning: Enhancing the listening instruction in the EFL classroom at an ecuadorian public secondary schoolRodríguez, Jessenia Nathaly; Sinche Salinas, Lorena Patricia; Villarreal Holguín, Jenny, Director
2021The influence of online audios on listening comprehension for efl a1 learners in a high school of RiobambaSilva Verdezoto, Jaime Ramiro; Macias Silva, Evelyn Carolina , Director
2021The effectiveness of pre-teaching vocabulary through quizlet to improve reading comprehension in a secondary efl class; an action research studyJaramillo Aguilar, Silvana Patricia; Flores Herrera, Jorge, Director
2021The use of nearpod to conduct formative assessment and its effect on CEFR A2 learners grammatical competence in an ecuadorian public university: an action research study.Conza Armijos, Hover Ismael; Salvador, Katherine, Directora
2021Effects of teaching stream (science, technology, reading, engineering, arts, and mathematics) on english language classes to fifth grade students of an elementary school in SamborondónChapa Albán, José Luis; Stagg, Graham Ian
2021Selecting meaningful reading strategies to increase reading comprehension on teenagers in efl classrooms in a public school in GuayaquilMontoya de la Rosa, Victoria Lastenia; Ochoa Zurita, Cecy Bell; Flores Herrera, Jorge Rosendo, Director
2021Socratic questioning-fostering high school learners speaking skills in an ecuadorian public schoolParra Manchay, Luz Maria; Yambay de Armijos, Karen , Director
2021The flipped classroom model on A2 EFL students’ vocabulary achievement in an ecuadorian university environmentCastro Flores, Mariuxi Iliana; Pizarro Velasteguí, Jaime Roberto, Director
2021The effect of self-awareness in the attitude and performance on speaking skills of eight-grade students of a school in Chunchi – ChimborazoOrdoñez Silva, Liliana Jaqueline; Flores, Jorge, Director
2021Peer feedback of reading aloud to improve speaking fluencyAquino Rojas, Marco Antonio; Ramírez, María Rossana, Directora
2021Effectiveness of integrating icts in trained peer-review techniques: improvement in ecuadorian secondary efl learners' quality of writingFranco Ponce, Rosa Monserratt; Córdova Reyes, Willington Marvin; Maloney, Dennis, Director
2006An Action Research Study of Learners’ Perceptions of Using Internet Activities Through The Nicenet ICA in the EFL Classroom In EcuadorBoloña López, María del Carmen; Maloney, Dennis P., Director
2019-06-29Students Perceptions At An Intermediate Level (CEFR) Of The Use Of Facebook To Practice Writing SkillsBolton, Thomas. dir.; Estrella Ibarra, Félix David
2019-02-10Ecuadorian University English Teachers Perceptions Of Communicative Language TeachingGay Shaw, Dara. dir.; Machado Encalada, Lourdes Teresa
2019-02-03Using Therapeutic Reading With EFL Teenaged Students: An Ecuadorian Ethnographic Case StudyGay Shaw, Dara. dir.; Merizalde Alcívar, Melba Alexandra
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69