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Título : Producción de biomasa y fijación de Carbono en plantaciones de teca (tectona grandis linn f.) campus prosperina – ESPOL
Autor : Landeta, A.
Jimenez, E.
Palabras clave : BIOMASA
Fecha de publicación : 12-may-2009
Resumen : The objective of this study is the quantification of biomass, fixation of carbon and CO2 of plantations of teak in the coastal region, Campus Prosperina of the Espol, for it they installed units of sampling, the same ones that correspond to three origins: Ecuador, Brazil and Costa Rica. The evaluated parameters were a carbon and CO2 for the biomass arrives of the soil (woody component and herbaceous vegetation), underground biomass (roots) and biomass of at organic dead matter (necromass). The quantity of total biomass for Tectona grandis at the age of 8 this one in a range from 27.68 to 66.12 tn/ha. The origin that presented major storage of carbon was from Ecuador with 33.06 tnC/ha and 121.06tn CO2/ha. There were no statistical significant differences in the storage of carbon. The biomass airs 62 % represents in average, the roots 22 %, the verbiage 12 % and the woody necromass 4 %, the carbon stored in the soil is not considered in this percentage.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5131
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIMCP

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