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Título : Geomechanical characterization and stability analysis of the 2 Baños del Inca cave (Ecuador) using empirical methods and 3 photogrammetry
Autor : Jordá Bordehore, Luis, Director
Silva Yaguachi, Rolando Alejandro
Silva Yaguachi, Rolando Alejandro
Palabras clave : Cavity
Geomechanical classifications
Rock mechanics
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Editorial : ESPOL.FICT
Citación : Silva Yaguachi, R. A. y Silva Yaguachi, R. A. (2024). Geomechanical characterization and stability analysis of the 2 Baños del Inca cave (Ecuador) using empirical methods and 3 photogrammetry. [Articulo de Titulación]. ESPOL.FICT .
Descripción : X
metadata.dc.description.abstractenglish: The Baños del Inca is a cave of volcanic origin located in the Saraguro canton, Loja prov- 11 ince, Ecuador. This area attracts a high number of tourists throughout the week. This research com- 12 bines empirical methods based on geomechanical classifications, specifically the Q Index, Rock Mass 13 Rating (RMR) and Geomechanical Cavity Index (CGI) with remote sensing techniques such as pho- 14 togrammetry. The Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetric technique is used to reconstruct 15 the cave environment in 3D. Preliminary analysis results indicate that the cave is generally stable, 16 with no observable signs of instability or subsidence. However, the presence of cracks and loose 17 wedged rocks and slabs on the ceiling indicate the potential for specific areas of instability and slab 18 detachment in the long term. These areas require monitoring by more detailed analysis models. The 19 integration of RMR, Barton's Q and CGI methods is beneficial in the engineering field as it allows 20 for a more realistic and accurate examination of the area under investigation. 21 Key words: Cavity, geomechanical classifications, subsidence, stability, photogrammetry, rock me- 22 chanics.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/63515
metadata.dc.identifier.codigoproyectointegrador: POSTG111
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis de Maestría en Geotecnia

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