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Título : Montaje y equipamiento de un barco sardinero refrigerado de 39 metros de eslora
Autor : Avilés Arciniegas, Marco Antonio
Townsend Valencia, Patrick
Fecha de publicación : 6-oct-2009
Resumen : The This thesis, presents the process of selection, installation and equipment of a refrigerated sardinero boat 39 metres in length and with 410 cubic metres of cargo capacity. Detailed construction and gear Assembly of fishing, starting with the mast and pen major release-capable 12 tonnes, and then installing the bow winch and detail of the selection and construction of the hair-fishing. Is then describes installation and equipment oleohidráulicos mount. Is detailing the hidromotores, selected pumps, filters suction and return, the plant main pumping, including three bombs and commanders of control. Applied non-destructive tests are also described in the computers are installed. Occurs then a description of the installation and assembly teams and circuits of the Rain, 156 HRT capacity, type cooling system and that use ammonia and primary and secondary water as refrigerants respectively. Are also used refrigeration equipment and quits Moreover, describing the employed nondestructive testing
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/7631
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIMCBOR

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