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Título : Diseño de un sistema de gestión y control operacional para los activos de una empresa que se dedica a la producción y comercialización de panes y pasteles en la provincia del Guayas
Autor : Bengüechea Gómez, Jhosephline Laura
Cedeño Quiroz, Nathaly
Palabras clave : GERENCIA DE ACTIVOS
Fecha de publicación : 13-nov-2009
Resumen : The present work, It constitutes the design of a system of management and operational control of a company that one dedicates to the production and marketing of breads and pastry in the province of the Guayas and it was realized during the period 2009. Our tesina provides a brief company description in which there will be mentioned its mission, vision, process of production, the fixed assets, its components and the good practices of manufacture of the personnel for treating itself about a producing company of food. For the development of this project information has been compiled and there have been applied foundations of the TPM or Productive Total Maintenance, as well as them 5'S and the Cycle Deming of improvement continues. An analysis is included macro of the situation of the organization, its policies of management of the maintenance and the opportunities of improvement that the same one presents.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8112
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - ICM

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