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Título : Evaluación del impacto en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones según la regulación actual sobre servicios y un posible cambio a la regulación de redes.
Autor : Maribel Apolo, Ruth
Ramírez Farfán, Carlos Enrique
Fecha de publicación : 16-nov-2009
Resumen : With the development of technology, the new networks pose an economic challenge for the telecommunications sector and a regulatory challenge that must promote competition, new technologies of information and communication, commonly known as tics, are located profusely all over the world. This is why in most levels of society has to know interests and concerns, to appropriate regulatory and set parameters, hopefully, framed policies to encourage a suitable and reasonable utilization. But most important of all is that undoubtedly affect the social advancement and are making their mark on the thinking and acting of people because of technological convergence enhances human capabilities rather than each one of these technologies independently considered. This convergence inevitably leads to the traders to put up telecommunications networks, the operator of the future will be able to give the client a variety of services supported on the basis of a single converged infrastructure, which today is known as next generation network (NGN). That's why we saw the need to raise an "IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS MARKET UNDER THE CURRENT REGULATORY SERVICES AND A POSSIBLE CHANGE TO THE REGULATION OF NETWORKS for better development of the sector in our country.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8122
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIEC

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