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Título : Estandarización de las herramientas de gestión en las telecomunicaciones
Autor : López Bustamante, Geovanna
Flores Vera, Joichs
Palabras clave : TL 9000
Fecha de publicación : 10-dic-2009
Resumen : Nowadays organizations are considering the ways to improve their performance before the people with the implementation of Quality Management System but bearing in mind the standards well defined by regulatory bodies such as ISO, DIN or EN to validate the quality management system. Telecommunications keep on moving constantly and with it the need the companies that are dedicated to this business to ensure the proper functioning of their service and products, due to these situations has created the TL9000 standard including 100% to ISO 9001:2000 with the difference that is guided to the satisfaction of customer requirements, quality improvement and others. The paper analyzes telecommunications companies TL9000 certified, along with the benefits of which you can get a better organization of products and enhanced services through a strong commitment to quality and business excellence. Keywords: TL 9000, Requirements, Measurements, Quality Management System, Telecomunications
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8325
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIEC

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