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Título : Creación de una microempresa encargada del proceso manual y especializada en comercializar chocolatines de coco en la provincia de Santa Elena
Autor : Varga Luna, Robert
Loor Del Pezo, Lourdes
Tobalina Dito, Constantino
Fecha de publicación : 29-dic-2009
Resumen : The candy crafts treats that are manufactured at low cost with an aggregate value, which are not harmful to human health because they do not have any chemicals in their ingredients, and in turn is a product so fond kids and large, that apart from its rich flavor is affordable to people of all socio - economic. That's why this project is to improve his performance with quality and hygiene standards for consumer safety, exploiting the unique marketing chocolate bar, and not just on different roads of the Peninsula of Santa Elena, but also can find it in a fixed location and located in a strategic way for the growth of the microenterprise. Rescuing and sales of this product and returning jobs to places whole families have always been dedicated to the development and marketing of craft goodies on different roads of the peninsula of Santa Elena. Thus preserving a traditional product of this region and provide greater customer satisfaction than the like product.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8391
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FCSH

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