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Título : Diseño de un sistema de gestión en control y seguridad industrial, en una empresa dedicada a la elaboración de productos y aditivos para la alimentación humana y animal, en la ciudad de Guayaquil
Autor : Novillo Bustos, María Soledad
Freire Morán, Ninoschtka Denisse
Fecha de publicación : 25-ene-2010
Resumen : Since the time ago, the people taught the use of the tools and elements for the development the work security; and the social, ecology and environmental regulations. The actual situation in the industries of the World with respect to the security in the job, the human being have developed Control Systems and Industry Security to avoid risk and job sick We have done analysis of conditions, behavior and another aspects with important details that should be present in the Plan of the industries especially chemicals industries, , and with this information we have design a Control of Safety System for this kind of the industry.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8834
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - ICM

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