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Título : Diagnóstico de la parroquia solano en la provincia del cañar para la propuesta del desarrollo de actividades turísticas
Autor : Reinoso, Silvia
Valverde, Verónica
Villacís, Iliana
León, Vanessa
Fecha de publicación : 9-feb-2010
Resumen : Solano Parish shows specific features that make this sector an appropriate place for the development of activities linked to sport and recreation and for this reason and based on classification and description of selected tourist attractions are the most attractive features of the city, that provide the conditions necessary for the development and use of the activities they would propose in this study, highlighting the safety and accessibility for your enjoyment. The activities to be undertaken and the services offered within this study, we want to offer a complementary manner 3 routes that support them; should be stressed that the activities can be done individually without being immersed in a package. Besides the host community is aware of the potential which has the parish and would be willing to become involved in providing tourism services, as they have recognized that tourism is a source of income to generate more jobs and increase the internal movement also promotes promotion of the town.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8964
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIMCBOR

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