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Título : Proyecto de inversión para la introducción de un nuevo producto: drenador descartable de desechos corporales
Autor : Sandoval, J
Rivas, M
Cozzarelli, C
Fecha de publicación : 4-mar-2010
Resumen : This essay studies the different methods of body waste collection during medical practices, and it intends to introduce to the ecuadorian market, a new product for medical body waste collection, designed by students of the faculty of economics and business of the Espol, to achieve a more hygienic and efficient body waste collection and at a lower cost, in order to reduce and/ or try to eliminate the high contamination levels due to medical body waste. This article analyses the possibility for a product, with high relevance for the health care of hospitals and the environment, to have a wide acceptance in the national market, hence, competing with products that are already established in the market at a high cost and are inefficient. Through a market research and a extensive financial analysis we determined the problems, solutions and recommendations to start this project.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/9109
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FCSH

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