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Título : Caracterización y propuesta técnica de la acuacultura en el sector de manta, provincia de Manabí
Autor : Andrade N., Marjorie
Hernández Z., Carol
Marcillo Morla, Fabrizio
Palabras clave : ACUICULTURA
Fecha de publicación : 5-feb-2010
Resumen : Manta is the second corner more colonising with the province of Manabí and concentrates its industry most of. The fishing resource is one of the factors that I influence more in its economic growth. At present the tourist rise is of great importance. In the beginnings of aquiculture in Ecuador Manta a fundamental paper played since here some arose from the first laboratories for the culture of maturation and shrimp post-larvae. Most peculiar of this zone it was the presence of about 100 laboratories of production of larvae in the large city of the city, which worked in moved away addresses of the sea. At the moment aquiculture is very diminished just by 7 active laboratories, only 4 work in large city and 3 in the zone of San Mateo of who one works as storing center and pregets fat. In the present the fishery panorama is not nothing encouraging, the competition by resources in the corner, especially by the tourist industry as the urban development presses strongly on this activity, foretelling that aquiculture as it practices at the moment allows that is going to disappear to short or medium term. But vigilant that by the bathymetric conditions of the zone can be developed another activity like the mariculture to future.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8935
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIMCBOR

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